Monday, July 14, 2014

Maybe It Does Matter

I started my period and had my kidney stones on CD1. With the surgery and all the meds, being on the femara this month wasn't an option. At the time I was ok with it, I hurt and I just wanted to not hurt, not much else mattered. Now, maybe it does.

I have lost almost 30 pounds since the type 2 Diabetes diagnosis and I have been taking the metformin very regularly. I have high hopes that this will be the miracle month that I ovulate on my own. It could happen right? While we are at it lets hope this is also the miracle month we finally conceive.

I just feel like after the diabetes diagnosis I fought hard to get back on my feet, change my life and work hard to make my body work the best it can. Then I finally feel like July is the cycle that we can get going with fertility again and my body freaks out and tries to pass giant kidney stones. I can't catch a break.

Maybe it is a good thing, I must need this break but I hate that it is forced on me and not by choice.

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